Michel Colombier is without a doubt one of my major influences as a musician, composer and human being.

My first memory of his music goes back to my university days in which I would jump out of my bed, to listen to the music used as a background for a Ford commercial that was aired in Mexico City (my hometown). Later on, a drummer friend of mine turned me on into the album "Wings", which included that music that made me jump out of bed (the piece was 'Pourquoi-pas?'). The album became a cult among some young musicians in México trying to become arrangers or composers (me included of course). It took me about six years to get my personal copy of the album, which I cherished as a treasure.

Many years later I was introduced to Michel by Abraham Laboriel at the Baked Potato. My personal friendship with him, started due to my work with Herb Alpert´s band, and later on with Paul Anka´s band which Michel contributed the whole book of fantastic new arrangements. Both of us departed the "Anka gig" but kept our friendship, and I can sincerely say, that thanks to Michel's artistry and musical wisdom, I became what I am today. His severe but always precise criticism towards my compositions and my music, made me realize how much more I still have to learn and experience and yet, it has given me a "guiding light" to follow in my path towards becoming a better musician and a better human being.

Thanks for everything you have given me Michel!

With all my love
Eugenio Toussaint


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