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::  F R E E D O M   A N D   F E A R  ::  

People live in cages that are tailor made and come in every size
They've built a house of madness and a thousand dreams
They'll never realize
A paper prison with imaginary locks
Where loneliness has built the wall
With a cell made of boredom and fear
Love and light come to free them all

Where are the angels who will save their souls
Choose a path and light the way
If anyone can light the way
Perhaps an angel who will pray for them today
Send him now before they throw it all away

Dandelion hero did his best but came too late to end the war 
He spoke of truth and beauty but the things he said had all 
Been said before 
He knew the answers but his voice was much too loud
It wasn't long before he knew
He was only a face in the crowd
In the end he was fighting too

For all his medals he was just a fool
And one with nothing more to say
He hadn't anything to say
Collecting welfare while he wrote his book of rules
Read it once before we threw them all away

And I who have feelings thought the world would come to kneel 
At my command
I chose my time of battle and I knew the ground where I would 
Take my stand
I ordered freedom and I thought I knew the price
Until the rendezvous was through In the end I was crying too 

Where are the angels who will save my soul
Choose a path and light the way
If anyone can light the way
Perhaps an angel who will pray for me today
Before I waste my life away

performed by Bill Medley
:: lyric by Paul Williams
:: music by Michel Colombier
© 1974 Almo Music Corp. & Michel Colombier Music [ASCAP]

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