As much as I enjoy music, as a film producer, I generally
approach the scoring stage with trepidation. Why should the marriage of
film and music be better understood than say... heart surgery? I can't
replace a faulty heart valve nor can I play the violin. In both instances
the individual entrusted with the job is critical to it's success.
I first met Michel nearly twenty years ago and have produced nearly as
many projects with him in that time. Beyond the patience of dealing with
constantly changing "locked pictures", short schedules and budgetary
limitations, Michel consistently brings grace, inspiration, and artistry
to the process. His willingness to find a common language for us to
explore the emotional values and thematic essence of the work has made
film scoring with Michel an experience I look forward to.
But that's just one of the gifts of Michel Colombier.
Andrew Mirisch
film producer
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